They estimated the average band member made just 2340 a year from gigging and 120 from downloads, and bands had a dismal one in 3428 chance of getting signed by a record label. 他们估计,普通乐队成员从事歌唱工作一年只能挣2340英镑,从音乐下载中仅挣120英镑,而乐队与唱片公司签约的几率只有渺茫的3428分之一。
A member is basically a source record of a particular member type ( e.g., person, claim, organization, etc.). 一个成员实际上就是某个成员类型的一个源记录(比如,个人、claim、组织等)。
In contrast, when an administrative staff member at the hospital looks at this record for payment processing, only the SSN, phone number, and address information is needed. 相反,如果是医院的行政人员查看记录以处理付费相关业务,只需要社会安全号、电话号码及地址信息。
We also have a Senate that recently welcomed its first openly gay member, and we have a record number in the House of Representatives. 我们的参议院最近也迎来了第一位公开同性恋身份的议员,我们众议院的同性恋议员人数也创下了新高。
One member of the crew kept a written record of what it is like to live in space. 这批飞行员中的一员记录下了太空生活经历。
They're trying to get all UN member states to co-sponsor their resolution, a record set by Greece in2004. 所以现在他们正在想方设法说服所有的联合国成员国都来联合保荐他们的这一提议,希腊曾在2004创下了这一记录。
I made a comment to this member complimenting him on his record. 我对他的战绩做出了我的一点评价。
A staff member from the base center in southwestern Sichuan province, Heng Yi, said the Guinness application for oldest panda to give birth is the first record in history around the world. 来自中国西南地区四川省大熊猫繁育中心的恒易先生说,为一只分娩年龄最大、怀孕时间最长的大熊猫申请吉尼斯纪录在世界上还是第一次。
In these cases, a staff member should be present as during any other review of the original record. 在这些情况下,医务人员应当提供(病历),如同是其他查看原始病历的情形。
Have a friend or family member conduct a mock interview and tape record it so you can see how you sound over the phone. 让一个朋友或家人帮你进行一次模拟面试并录下来,这样你就知道自己在电话里的表现了。
You suggest adding links for editing the data view, so that the team member who places the order can immediately update the record for the item. 您可以建议添加一个用于编辑数据视图的链接,以便下单的员工能立即更新该货品的记录。
Member's friend may enjoy the member preferential benefit, expends the amount to accumulate in member's expense record. 成为会员后,您的朋友来店造型同样可享受会员待遇,消费金额可累加在您的消费记录中。
The long-standing member of the PAP was accorded the PAP Commendation Medal in1991 for his sterling track record. 凭着多年来为党为民的贡献,这位行动党资深党员在1991年获颁人民行动党表扬奖章。
The WTO's most favored nation provision requires all WTO member countries to treat each other equally and treat all corporations from these countries equally regardless or their track record. WTO最惠国条款要求所有WTO成员国平等相处,要求来自这些国家的所有社团平等互利,而不管他们以前的任何记录。
Modern enterprises often appear in the form of groups. Each member of the group all has its own accounting record. 现代企业往往是以集团形式出现的,集团内部各成员都有自己的会计记录。
Each cluster head node keeps a member information table to record the information of the cluster member nodes in the cluster. 每个簇头节点都维持一个成员信息表,用来记录各个簇内节点的信息,通过这些信息,簇头节点可以确定兴趣消息的目标区域是否在簇内。